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Privacy Policy for PhotoPhrase

Thank you for choosing to be part of our community at PhotoPhrase. We take your privacy seriously and, in the spirit of transparency, we want to inform you that our mobile application, PhotoPhrase, is designed to function entirely offline and does not collect, store, or process any personal information at any time.

If you have any questions or concerns about this privacy policy, please contact us at [Insert Contact Information Here].

Please read this privacy policy carefully to understand our commitment to your privacy.

1.0 No Information Collection

In Short: We do not collect your information.

PhotoPhrase is designed to operate completely offline. No personal information is collected, processed, or stored through the App. All photos and associated metadata remain solely on your device.

2.0 No Use of Your Information

In Short: Since we do not collect information, there is no use of personal information.

PhotoPhrase’s offline functionality means there is no personal information to use.

3.0 No Sharing of Your Information

In Short: We do not share any personal information because we do not collect it.

PhotoPhrase does not function online and does not have the capability to collect or share personal data.

4.0 Your Data Rights

In Short: You maintain full control over your personal information at all times.

Since the App does not collect data, your rights pertain to managing and deleting your photos and associated data within the App.

5.0 Information Safety

In Short: Your information remains safe because it is never collected.

PhotoPhrase’s offline operation ensures your data is not exposed to online threats.

6.0 No Collection of Minors’ Information

In Short: We do not collect data from anyone, including minors.

The App is intended for users who are at least 18 years old.

7.0 Your Privacy Rights

In Short: Your privacy rights are inherently respected by our no data collection policy.

You have the right to use the App without any personal data being collected.

8.0 Do-Not-Track Features

PhotoPhrase does not track users; therefore, Do-Not-Track browser signals are not applicable.

9.0 California Privacy Rights

In Short: California residents have specific privacy rights, which are not applicable as we do not collect personal information.

10.0 Policy Updates

We will update this policy as necessary, although changes are unlikely given our no data collection practice.

11.0 Contact Us

For questions about this policy, email us at

12.0 Data Review, Update, or Deletion

As we do not collect any personal information, there is no data to review, update, or delete.

This privacy policy is designed to be transparent about our no data collection practices. We are committed to ensuring a safe and private experience for users of PhotoPhrase.